
Inside of My Mind

I hold a number of different views about a wide variety of topics. Some are pretty standard and run-of-the-mill, others are more controversial. If you are curious about them, read on!

Being A Modern Monk

I'm pretty unusual in that I shun many very normal aspects of modern life. Using social media, eating out at restaurants, and traveling the world are activities that, in general, I don't participate in. If my Luddism is of interest to you, check out this link!

Modern Luddism


I'm a devout protestant Christian. As such, the primary activity that I partake in on a daily basis is a study of the Bible. An extension of that study is encapsulated here, in so-called Bible bins. Please feel free to peruse them!

Biblical Scripture Reference "Bins" Portal


I am appalled by the fact that many modern people are almost completely dependent on others to cook their food for them! Cooking is an essential skill that everybody needs as a part of their humanity. To this end, I've compiled a list of recipes that I make and use on a regular basis that are delicious, generally healthy, and quick to make.

Recipes Portal


I often get comments from others about my computer and it's appearance. As both a service to the curious, and myself when I want to quickly reinstall the software again, I've documented how I use a computer and what software I use.

Software Portal